
The Trinity (Andrei Rublev)

Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Incarnatio Dei, hominis deificatio.

The Incarnation of God leads to the deïfication of man.

La encarnación de Dios conduce a la deificación del hombre.

22/08/24: È stato aggiunto il corso 11 (2): “Elementi di logica naturale, imparare a
                   pensare logicamente”. aggiunto.
20/08/24 : Curso 11 (2) : «Elementos de lógica natural, aprender a pensar lógicamente»,
                    fue añadido.
18/08/24 : Kurs 11 (2) : „Elemente der natürlichen Logik, logisch denken lernen“, wurde                        hinzugefügt.
15.08.24 : Le cours ‘Eléments de logique naturelle’ (2) a été ajouté à l’onglet 11. 
12/08/24 : Course 11-2 : “Elements of natural logic, learning to think logically,” was
09/08/24 : Cursus 11 (2) : “Elementen van natuurlijke logica, logisch leren denken”, werd
31/ 07/24 : Il testo L’uomo sotti i riflettori (2), uno studio ottico dell’aura della mano è
                     stato aggiunto alla scheda ‘riflttore’. 
31/07/24 : Der Text : ‘ Mann im Flutlicht (2) ; eine optische Untersuchung über die Aura
                    der Hand“ wurde hinzugefügt.
And also this: 
“When I come on stage, something happens, like in the quality of the performance.. was like then times more, like, I had something – I’m not religious – but I had something that, some voice which is telling me how to do, what to do.., like appears and then disappears. It’s very, very strange, but it’s been always with me and especially in important roles.”
This, Anna Netrebko, the world-renowned Russian Austrian soprano, stated, on the occasion of the Official announcement of the Polar Music Prize 2020 she was awarded on 11 feb. 2020. (
Insiders will argue that this is clearly related to religion, but mainly on an un- and subconscious level. In that respect, Ms. Netrebko’s experience is in some ways analogous to the story of ‘Bapuka’. (See the tab ’texts 4′, text 36.)

Homo Religiosus

The last supper, Leonardo da Vinci, Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milano

 La religión como fuerza experimentada

  Religion as an experienced force

    Religion als eine erlebbare kraft

   La religion en tant que force expérimentée

   La religione come esperienza di forza

   Religie als ervaarbare krachtwerking