This is the ‘courses 7’ page.
Here you will find a translation of the Dutch courses 7.1. to 7.5.
(From 1987 to 1990.)
7.1. Philosophy of thought 1st. year (1987/1988)
7.1.1. part I (pp. 1 to 200)
7.1.2. part II (pp. 201 to 410)
7.2. Rhetoric 2nd. year, 156 p. (1988/1989,)
7.3. Philosophy of life 2nd. year (1988/1989)
7.3.1. part I (pp. 1 to 150)
7.3.2. part II (pp. 151 to 314)
7.4. Special issues on cultural philosophy of culture, 3rd. year, (1989/ 1990)
7.4.1. part I (pp. 1 to 200)
7.4.2. part II (pp. 201 to 351)
7.5. Ideology analysis; 3rd. year, 60 p. (1989/1999)